CakePHP3 コーディング規約
61 | ERROR | [x] Opening parenthesis of a multi-line function call
| | must be the last content on the line
63 | ERROR | [x] Closing parenthesis of a multi-line function call
| | must be on a line by itself
64 | ERROR | [x] Multi-line function call not indented correctly;
| | expected 16 spaces but found 20
method_argument_space [@PSR2, @Symfony]
In method arguments and method call, there MUST NOT be a space before each comma and there MUST be one space after each comma. Argument lists MAY be split across multiple lines, where each subsequent line is indented once. When doing so, the first item in the list MUST be on the next line, and there MUST be only one argument per line.
Configuration options:
ensure_fully_multiline (bool): ensure every argument of a multiline argument list is on its own line; defaults to false
keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma (bool): whether keep multiple spaces after comma; defaults to false
※2017/06/29時点 version 2.3.2
$rules = [
'@PSR2' => true,
'no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array' => true,
'whitespace_after_comma_in_array' => true,
'blank_line_before_return' => true,
'concat_space' => ['spacing' => 'one'],
'ordered_imports' => true,
'method_argument_space' => ['ensure_fully_multiline' => true],
$excludes = ['vendor', 'webroot', 'bin', 'plugin'];
return PhpCsFixer\Config::create()
我慢してリリースしてくださるのを待つのもいいですが、どうせ自分の端末にしか影響がないので、Composerで開発バージョンを取り込む手もあります。端末のcomposer.jsonのバージョンを以下のように変えてしまい、”composer global update”します。
"require": {
"fabpot/php-cs-fixer": "dev-master"
php-cs-fixer -V
PHP CS Fixer 2.4.0-DEV by Fabien Potencier and Dariusz Ruminski
php-cs-fixer describe method_argument_space
Description of method_argument_space rule.
In method arguments and method call, there MUST NOT be a space before each comma and there MUST be one space after each comma. Argument lists MAY be split across multiple lines, where each subsequent line is indented once. When doing so, the first item in the list MUST be on the next line, and there MUST be only one argument per line.
Fixer is configurable using following options:
* keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma (bool): whether keep multiple spaces after comma; defaults to false
* ensure_fully_multiline (bool): ensure every argument of a multiline argument list is on its own line; defaults to false
Fixing examples:
* Example #1.
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
-function sample($a=10,$b=20,$c=30) {}
-sample(1, 2);
+function sample($a=10, $b=20, $c=30) {}
+sample(1, 2);
----------- end diff -----------
* Example #2. Fixing with configuration: ['keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma' => false].
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
-function sample($a=10,$b=20,$c=30) {}
-sample(1, 2);
+function sample($a=10, $b=20, $c=30) {}
+sample(1, 2);
----------- end diff -----------
* Example #3. Fixing with configuration: ['keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma' => true].
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
-function sample($a=10,$b=20,$c=30) {}
+function sample($a=10, $b=20, $c=30) {}
sample(1, 2);
----------- end diff -----------
* Example #4. Fixing with configuration: ['ensure_fully_multiline' => true].
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
-function sample($a=10,
- $b=20,$c=30) {}
- 2);
+function sample(
+ $a=10,
+ $b=20,
+ $c=30
+) {}
+ 1,
+ 2
----------- end diff -----------
* Example #5. Fixing with configuration: ['ensure_fully_multiline' => true, 'keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma' => true].
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
-function sample($a=10,
- $b=20,$c=30) {}
- 2);
+function sample(
+ $a=10,
+ $b=20,
+ $c=30
+) {}
+ 1,
+ 2
sample('foo', 'foobarbaz', 'baz');
sample('foobar', 'bar', 'baz');
----------- end diff -----------
* Example #6. Fixing with configuration: ['ensure_fully_multiline' => true, 'keep_multiple_spaces_after_comma' => false].
---------- begin diff ----------
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
-function sample($a=10,
- $b=20,$c=30) {}
- 2);
-sample('foo', 'foobarbaz', 'baz');
-sample('foobar', 'bar', 'baz');
+function sample(
+ $a=10,
+ $b=20,
+ $c=30
+) {}
+ 1,
+ 2
+sample('foo', 'foobarbaz', 'baz');
+sample('foobar', 'bar', 'baz');
----------- end diff -----------
もちろんstable versionではないので覚悟が必要ですが、今のところは上手く動作してくれているようです。もしお困りでしたら一考しても宜しいかと思います。